Misa azul
What: A special Mass for all Law Enforcement Officers in the Norristown Area
When: Saturday, May 18, 2024, 5:30 PM
Where: Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
600 Hamilton St. Norristown, PA 19401
What is a "Blue Mass"?
A Blue Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Catholic Church for those employed in the public safety field (i.e. police officers, firefighters, correctional officers, 911 operators and EMS personnel). The color blue relates to the blue-colored uniforms predominantly used by these services. Read more about the history here.
Who can come?
All are welcome! We invite all to join us in honoring and praying for our local law enforcement, especially our local first responders themselves.
We have an upper and lower parking lot, accessible from Hamilton and Oak Streets. There is also street parking available on Hamilton, Marshall, and Buttonwood Streets. There is limited handicapped parking available in our parkin lots, as well as a handicapped-accessible ramp from the upper parking lot.
Vehicle Blessings
If you would like your police vehicle blessed, Father Smith will be blessing police vehicles and items after the Mass. Find him in the parking lot after Mass.
Who is Saint Michael the Archangel, and what is his connection to Law Enforcement?
Saint Michael the Archangel is known as the Patron Saint of Police Officers and Law Enforcement, as well as all First Responders. Saint Michael is honored as the angel who fought for God against Satan, and has since remained a strong symbol of toughness, resilience, bravery, and more. Similarly, our first responders often face dangerous and difficult situations in their line of duty, and so look to St. Michael for guidance, strength, and protection. Click here for more info about St. Michael.